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Showing posts from January, 2011

Building a new wargames table II

And here it is: the next step of my wargames table for DBA! I started brushing some green and brown arround the grass spots, to include them into the table. Hope you'll like it !

FoA is going on

There was a small stop in the development in FoA last year but it must go one. I already made a scrawling for a new Russian list. So I posted above a pic of my Russians.

Psiloi update

I can't get enough of can you get enough of.... psiloi I had some test painted celts hanging around here so I did a aditionally DBA Psiloi base with casualities. I don't need it, but I want it !! Like at my last base the ground is swamp. Additionaly I did a generic dark age shield design to be able to use the element in all forthcoming Dark age armies. In my Roman army its named: ,,Numerus Nemetum''.

Building a new wargames table

Yesterday I startet building a wargaming table for DBA. I already started glueing some static grass, how you can see. Hope you'll like it.

Numerus Taunensium

A other Ps element, recruited from the civitas Taunensium:

Balearic slingers

Watchout for your heads because here is the: ,,Numerus funditori Balearici''  The miniatures are Corvus Belli Balearic slingers.     More at:

WCT's shield design

I should draw a roman shield design for WCT and here it is:

DBA British Light

Und hier sind sie endlich: meine lange erwarteten DBA Briten von Corvus Belli. Auf den Bildern seht ihr das erste Base Leichter Kavallerie, welche meine Feinde ( hoffentlich ) nerven werden. Das nächste Base ist noch in Aussicht, ich hoffe die Figuren gefallen euch. Für 15mm sind sie mir doch eigentlich ganz gut gelungen. And now for our english friends: And here they are !!! My long expected Corvus Belli Brisish babarians. How you can see, ther's only cav. to see at the moment, but infantery and chariots are going to follow. So stay tuned!

Tsstler`s Romans

My 15mm Middle Imperial Romans growing up.I already posted 3 cohorts and a lot of pics I'm going to continue to upload on new base per day. A little view on my work: More Cohorts and pics at


Eine meiner ersten Zeichnungen war dieser Zombie. Beim Hintergrund hatte ich keine Lust mehr viel zu zeichnen, deswegen sieht dieser nicht als zu gut aus. One of my first drawings was this zombie.

DBA miniatures are finished one third!

Ein Drittel von Morguls DBA Kelten sind jetzt fertig, hier die Bilder: One third of Morguls DBA Celts are finished and here are the pictures:

Morguls first Celt

Fantasy (Orks&Goblins)

Hier poste ich die neusten Fortschritte meiner Orks und Goblins Armee. Das Problem wird nur sein, ich arbeite immoment nur an FoA. Here I post my newest progress of my orks and goblin army. The only problem will be that I only work on FoA. One non-metallic experiment: and here my three fanatics:

Staatstreich - coup d'etat

Hallo, dieser blog wird nun zum Gruppen blog von dem vorherigen Admin, MorgulPinselBeiza von und dem Taunussteiner von . Dementsprechend wird zukünftig nun auch die Pluralform des Blogs nur noch zum Ziel führen:  And now for our english friends (like my friend says): Hi, this blog is now corrupted by a group of the old Admin, MorgulPinselBeiza from and Der Taunussteiner from . Now we are more than just one Tabletopper and so we are now: 

Skiing in Valloire , die 2te

Ohne Worte....

BO Painting Constest

Hier meine Mini für den Bo Painting Kontest. Wenn se euch gefällt, votet doch hier für mich: lg tischlampe

Skiing in Valloire

As I came home now from my skiing holidays in Valloire ( France), I decidet to show a picture of mine whilst skiing. Hop you'll like it.